Monday, October 1, 2007

Pardon My Dust

I'm finally putting a real design on this. In the mean time, I call this design "An Ode To Netscape 2." Enjoy. :)


cincywesell4u said...

I'm brand new to scripts... I want to take several inputs from a form (short title, keyword title,item description,email address with link) and input the info into the context of a predesigned template ( to further exasparate things, each time a new listing is created, I want to date it and keep the listings numbered... can you give me a good reference source for learning and writing in script or with script available for copying and pasting into my html? My e-mail is!!:>)

cincywesell4u said...

I'm brand new to scripts... I want to take several inputs from a form (short title, keyword title,item description,email address with link) and input the info into the context of a predesigned template ( to further exasparate things, each time a new listing is created, I want to date it and keep the listings numbered... can you give me a good reference source for learning and writing in script or with script available for copying and pasting into my html? My e-mail is!!:>)

cincywesell4u said...

I'm brand new to scripts... I want to take several inputs from a form (short title, keyword title,item description,email address with link) and input the info into the context of a predesigned template ( to further exasparate things, each time a new listing is created, I want to date it and keep the listings numbered... can you give me a good reference source for learning and writing in script or with script available for copying and pasting into my html? My e-mail is!!:>)